Friday, February 14 , 2025 - 02:10              
Number of members : 125

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Subscribe as a new member

Fill in the data in the form and click on 'Submit your request'.
You will receive (within a couple of days) via email an acknowledgement of the acceptation of your membership
and your access code, that allows you to log in as a member.
 General information
 First name The fields marked with this symbol are mandatory.
 Prefix (e.g. van der, von)
 Last name
 Title e.g. Prof, dr., MBA, etc)
 Gender Male
 Profession If you are student, fill in "student" and the data of your education
 Address Address, zip code and city have to be specified for at least one of the categories 'Office' or 'Private'.
 Zip code
 Address Address, zip code and city have to be specified for at least one of the categories 'Office' or 'Private'.
 Zip code
 Private website
 Invoice data If the invoice data differ from the address above,
click the button to show the fields
regional "SAGA"

If you are a member of a "regional SAGA", please specify which SAGA
 Contact information
 Email 1
 Email 2
 Skype name
 Visibility of your data
  I agree that my data are visible for NON MEMBERS (logged in as guest)
       it concerns a limited part of my data (name, city, website)

  I agree that my data are visible for MEMBERS (logged in as member)
       it concerns all data specified above.

I agree with the conditions for registering as a member of ISAGA


(c) 2025: Vincent Peters - Nijmegen - The Netherlands